Meriah update (Sunday, 9:15pm)

Good news!  Meriah can digest.  They gave her some breastmilk via her feeding tube, and when they checked this evening, it was nearly gone.  They are going to give her some more breastmilk via her feeding tube.  The fact that she can digest is a good step.

Meriah is on phenobarbital to slow down her brain activity.  She has continued to have excessively frequent tremors.  Medical staff are concerned that these and some abnormal mouth movements, may indicate seizures.  By slowing down her brain activity, they can give her brain a bit of a rest; the sub-clinical seizures are a strain.  The medication is being given in a mild dose, such that it should not be having a sedative effect.  Meriah should be able to get into a regular sleep / wake routine.

Sub-clinical seizures can turn into regular seizures, and frequently do.  It is not unusual for children with this trouble to be on medication for a long time.  We don't know if this is what doctors are planning to do for Meriah.

Meriah is currently more alert, but she is still doing some of the odd mouth movements and is having tremors, but she seems to no longer be agitated.

Adam is very happy with her ability to digest.