ndsturgess's blog

As Close as I Can Get

I feel impressed to write even though I honestly am at a loss for words for which to articulate my thoughts. You might say I've lost the taste for debate on such a troubling issue as whether the state should exist. It's too easy to be misleading in your arguments, and in the end, mislead your own good intentions.


I have developed a sort of love-hate relationship with these questions and discussions. I find myself thinking about nearly constantly and losing a little sleep at night as well. It’s one of those things you can’t just get out of your head; it grows and matures and evolves.

The Other Side

Since yesterday I have been playing with the idea of writing a blog that is in support of the anti-state view as a way of better understanding what the idea means, through writing and thinking it out. I have chosen to let this blog attempt to do just that, but not just as a rhetorical exercise, but also containing parts of what I really think about the idea.

I Oppose Coersion

 I heartily agree that I, and all of us oppose coercion, because it strips us of what makes us human, our choices, our free will. A difference lies in that I oppose coercion in the state, not the state because it has coercion.


This being my first entry on this site, I think, first I should give some sort of simple introduction. I am Nathan Sturgess, younger brother of Crissy Williams who is Adam’s wife. I have been an inactive member of no less days for several months and only now was I informed by my sister of the intriguing discussions being had here.

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