Drupal Education

I have an opportunity to implement Drupal> at work. This will be mutually beneficial as what I learn working on one will help me when working on the other. Perhaps the most amazing thing I have discovered about Drupal so far is how fantastically simple it is. It is 

  • well organized
  • well documented
  • thuroughly abstract
  • very usable

and I am sure there are many other positives that I will be discovering.

Today I worked my way through a tutorial to create a basic block -- a block is one of those things on the right or left of the screen that has something handy in it. I was amazed at how logical and straight forward it was. Perhaps this is because of my last CMS experience. That experience was with Mambo and I was very new to web developement. I dont' have a great deal of experience yet, but Drupal is making me feel like I do. I hope it really is as easy as it seems when I get to actually creating the code to handle music and other forms of artistic expression that will form the outer core of what NLD is all about.

P.S. I'm experimenting with Filtered HTML tags. :)

Note: I've edited this blog entry using the rich-text feature that I recently installed. I had to change the input format to Rich-Text and click enable rich-text.