Sangu Choir

Cover (front)

This is a song by the Sangu Choir from Tanzania.  They were thrilled to have me record them.  I wish I would have had a field recorder, these choirs sound incredible.  Anyway I used the built in microphone on my laptop and tried to set up the recording as best as I could.  I edited out some of the background noise with Audacity.  I don't know much about audio, so I would appreciate input and advice on how to make these audio files better (There is a high pitched whistling sound in many of the songs that I would love to be able to get rid of).  I recorded more than a dozen songs for both the Sangu and Mwembe choirs.  I would love to sell the CD's in order to raise money for a school in Same Tanzania that has some desperate needs. 

shanatoly's picture

shanatoly says:

Joy just springs up in the heart (even non-mushy hearts) listening to the harmonies of this praise to God. Thanks for posting!!!!

christopher's picture

christopher says:

If you encode your mp3 at 44.1kHz, it'll work better with the site.

christopher's picture

christopher says:

I went ahead and converted the song to 44.1kHz.  By the way, your PC mic isn't half bad.  I'm impressed that it did as good as it did.