Trampling the constitution (again)

Since I refrain from watching much  TV, especially the talking heads variety, my only exposure to Keith Olbermann comes via the net. I find him to be entertaining and often I agree with him. Don't know if you have been following this or not, but his latest comments on Obama and his yea vote (which Olbermann is desperately trying to defend) on the FISA bill brings up one thing I think is wrong with and scary about Obama's view of the constitution. Not even the nation's foremost FISA experts really know the full extent to which this bill allows new warrantless spying. I think Obama is by far the lesser of two evils(either way we are screwed) but I don't want to hear him just talk about leadership and defending the constitution, I want to see him do it. This was a good opportunity for him to show he could also walk the walk. A lot of people view this as giving in to Bush and trampling the constitution in  fear of  appearing weak. I think this is a mistake and makes the case for a " more of the same" Obama instead of a "time for change" Obama.
Two Democratic Senators actually fighting against the FISA bill -- Russ Feingold and Chris Dodd -- succeeded in blocking a vote in the Senate until after the July 4 recess (the vote is now scheduled for July 8). Jesselyn Radack -- the DOJ lawyer who became the whistleblower concerning the Bush administration's treatment of John Walker Lindh -- writes here about this success. It's only a temporary reprieve, but delays of this sort can enable further opposition to build and/or allow unanticipated events to intervene.

I just hope we don't get so far down the rabbit hole that we can't find our way back.