Gone job

I just lost my job.  I wonder if I'll have more time for NLD.

Aunt Judy's picture

Aunt Judy says:

This is going to sound lame....but try to look at it as an opportunity. Jonathan got an email the other day and he did not get the Washington Post internship he applied for for the summer. I told him that just meant he had lots of other opportunies. You have lots of talents. Maybe there is something better you are supposed to do! The timing is bad. But don't worry. Sometimes these kinds of things lead to something better. I lost my job once with the government (a reduction in force). I wound up in a much better place, the computer training program which I had applied for before the reduction happened and heard from after I was notified I was being let go. I went on to have a terrific career in something I absolutely loved. I know this is hard at this time of year but you have a huge support group and you are smart. So, Aunt Judy says: Have no fear! Lots of people have your back. And I'll bet you will have another means of support soon!

christopher's picture

christopher says:

I do believe you've got a point.  Thanks for the encouragement. :)

adam's picture

adam says:

Have you considered asking for a bail out?

Sorry to hear that man,  we have an opening in our IT department down here. . . . and an empty house.

We'll be praying that God will show you where to go next.  He's got it all mapped out.

christopher's picture

christopher says:

Yeah right! :D  Actually, I told my boss that if nfuzion contracted for the government I'd quit; I'd rather go broke than buy into that evil fiasco.

I don't know if I'm ready to head that far south, but I do hear that El Salvador has very economical healthcare.

babs's picture

babs says:

  Christopher -

    I'm so sorry!  But, I'll second everything Aunt Judy said!  You are a talented and gifted, (althought sometimes ... hmmm.. a challenge!!)  seriously, you are a hot ball of talent!  Something will come to you!

  I'm saying a prayer!

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