Mishaps in Spain no. 25

This should be the very last blog that I write before my DELE test next friday. I am kind of scared and freaked out, but I think that I have a good possiblity of getting through it alive.

It is Sabbath afternoon here and some guy is going to be giving hhis testimony in the church in forty five minutes. I wish that I could tell you about all the interesting things going on in europe, but most of the interesting things have actually been going on in the Philippines. Dyilin's visa thing doesn't seem to working out, and we have all been trying to get something happening on that, so I would really appreciate it if you guys could all help us pray about that.

Last weeks winners for "What's thhat Called?" contest were Kent and Leonda George from the Philippines. I think that they even got the answer without using a dictionary, which is mighty impressive after not speaking Spanish for like 12 years or something like that. The word for this week is "felpudo." I woulds like to see a little more action on this word this week. Ok?

The other thing that I would like to mention in passing is that although there have been some difficulties here and still is, I wouldn't discourage anyone who wanted to come from doing so. All of the problems originated from the campus itself like the dorms cafeteria and things like that, but ESDES itself was and is really great. We've all had a really good experience overall with the teachers, a lot of fun on the tours, made friends etc., and I wouldn't mind coming back to visit sometime. Our closing program thing is going to be on the twenty fifth of this month, and their council thing nominated me to speak for it, so if you want to come down and watch me make a fool of myself, please feel free. Just please don't bring any rotten tomatos, they use rotten cabbage here.

Well, I hope that everyone that is going to come that it all works out for them, and I will see the rest of you in another life, yeah?

christopher's picture

christopher says:

What difficulties are you referring to?  Anything to do with a doormat?  Also, looking forward to hearing how your DELE went.

tgeorge's picture

tgeorge says:

You won. DELE went well. more on that later.

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