Recent Poll Results

A recent poll requested feedback on what areas of improvement would benefit from most. A number of you voted and provided useful feedback... then there were the strawberries. You'd have to read the comments on the poll to to see how it had anything to do with strawberries. I would be interested to know if anyone did actually go picking. Anyhow, for the analysis...

“Content, content, content!” seems to be the cry of the community. Several people felt that defining our purpose was pretty important. (By the way, we know what our purpose, we're just having a hard time putting it on paper... err the web.) Then there was a vote for features, and one "other" vote – one person who felt that just couldn't get any better. Glad you're pleased! :)

Ever since the poll opened four weeks ago, content has been increasing. Congratulations members! Keep it coming.

Along with the cry for content have come comments on site usability issues. Certain aspects of the forum and that pesky “preview before submit” on the comments have been causing more than a few of us frustration. So to make a happier place to be, we've revamped our appearance and usability. The core idea here is that a more pleasant site experience will encourage all of us to spend more time here -- generating content.

Especially while these various changes are taking place, we encourage you to offer feedback and suggestions on what we can do to make your experience more pleasant. Add a comment to this story when you think of something and keep coming back!