Democrats for blue laws?

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christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
Democrats for blue laws?

I hope this isn't a generally held view in the Obama camp!

Aunt Judy
Aunt Judy's picture
Joined: 2008-10-03
Well, who is this guy?

Well, who is this guy anyway?  I clicked on his name and went to his blog.  What a rambling writer.  Hard to stay focused when reading it...maybe it is just me. 

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
I agree with you.  He can't

I agree with you.  He can't seem to carry an idea very long -- which is good if he's encouraging such notions as implementing Sunday laws.  I think it is a tad surprising that the Obama website is publishing his ideas.  I would expect them to keep ideas like this off of their site, but maybe it just slipped in under the radar.  On the other hand, introducing new ideas via a low-credibility avenue, such as this guy, is a great strategy for getting a feel for how folks will respond to an idea while maintaining an excuse for why it happened if it goes over poorly.  Hopefully this latter idea is NOT what is happening.

Aunt Judy
Aunt Judy's picture
Joined: 2008-10-03
Go to this.  I think the

Go to this.  I think the above may not be an official obama website.

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
I wonder if it is official

I wonder if it is official as well.  The notice at the bottom that says "Paid for by Obama for America" sounds like it is official, but maybe not.  Not sure how to be sure.

Aunt Judy
Aunt Judy's picture
Joined: 2008-10-03
I would think that if it

I would think that if it ends in .gov it is official.  But I am not sure.  .gov should be reserved for government just like edu and mil are reserved for specific domains.  I would be suspicious of .com sites.  And I know I left myself wide open on that one (I can hear Ron now saying, "And you aren't suspicious of .gov sites?)  LOL


Aunt Judy
Aunt Judy's picture
Joined: 2008-10-03
Now I am not sure.  There

Now I am not sure.  There is a website that looks official.  But I don't know about that


christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
It is 

It is is the registered domain name.  Any subdomains would have to be provided by whoever owns the registered domain.  SO if is really one of obama's site, then so is, though it is obviously publishing community comments.

Hopefully this blogger is just a fluke and truely has no reflection on the incoming government, though it is interesting to note that Sunday has also recently come up in EU legeslation attempts.  I think it failed, but here's some info on it.  (Now we have to wonder if this site is for real!)

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