The push for one world governent is alive and well

If this doesn't freak you out, I don't know what will.  The video's a bit slow, but watch the whole thing to get a feel for what we're dealing with.  The establishment is pushing for a one world government.


One Worlder Clinton Congratulates One Worlder Cronkite

Apropos my previous blogs on Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite vis-à-vis the One World Government Fascist agenda, here is a video of Cronkite accepting his Norman Cousins award back in 1999. At 7:50 on the video, there is a taped video of then-First Lady Hillary Clinton congratulating Cronkite on his vision for the future:

But remember, folks, there’s no conspiracy.

[Thanks to Michael Pasquini]

Aunt Judy's picture

Aunt Judy says:

I don't think you have much to worry about from this organization.  It has been around since 1947 and even tho it is global does not have that many members.  From a human rights' standpoint they may be doing something positive.  But from a global government standpoint I don't think they have/will make much headway.  But, I do admit I have not researched this very much.  I think 'much ado about nothing'.  


Aunt Judy's picture

Aunt Judy says:

One other comment.  I don't think there is a conspiracy.  It is an open agenda.  There are people who believe this will happen and it may.  But I don't think there is a conspiracy.  Just look at the different webpages out there that talk about it and the organizations that exist to support the idea.  Actually I was kind of surprised.  But the idea is certainly nothing new.  Been around for a long long time.  And in a way we already have some world the UN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, etc.  Anyway, just watched a show about Walter Cronkite and you have to admit he was an icon.  Quite a newsman and he was there for a lot of breaking and interesting news.  But he kept his opinions to himself I believe until he retired...except for speaking out about getting out of vietnam during  a broadcast!  An interesting man.

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