Let it snow

I was gearing up for a drive to Richmond today when Somer made a comment about the weather.  We knew it was supposed to snow, but I was surprised when the weather service indicated three to six inches of snow across central Virginia by this evening.  Somer was surprised that I gave up on the idea of a five hour commute to class so easily, but on Tuesday, we had a freak snow shower that droped perhaps half an inch in fifteen mintues.  I jumped in the car and headed for Richmond, but the roads were terribly slick.  The snow had come down so fast, that traffic packed it to ice before it could melt.  In that situation, I made it two miles from home before getting caught on the mountain side with stalled tractor-trailers blocking the road both ahead and behind me.  I had to wait an hour before VDOT and (mostly) the sun got the road clear and the trucks moved.  So, I decided three to six was probably a bad idea -- and am I glad I made that call.  It's 2:50pm right now.  Normally I'd be halfway back from Richmond.  I just measured the snow out side, and we're over four inches already.

4 INCHES!  I guess global warming must be spending a holiday somewhere else.