Meriah update (Monday, 6pm)

Jade, who has been visiting the new Williams family today, just called Somer with an update.

Meriah nursed earlier today and is nursing again now.  Meriah also took a bottle with some breastmilk -- they wanted to see how much she was taking in.  For now, they are going to let Crissy breastfeed Meriah three times a day, but this will increase over time.  They will continue to feed some with the feeding tube, but they do think she is digesting the breastmilk.  Praise God!

They said the tremors are subsiding -- they think it might have been withdrawal from medication.

Meriah sleeps better when she's held.  Crissy was trying to get her to sleep earlier, but Meriah wouldn't settle.  Jade came in, and when she and Crissy started talking, Meriah settled down. Jade enjoyed talking about baby stuff with Crissy.

A social worker told Adam and Crissy that often it is easier for the father to bond quickly in these situations, while the mother can take a while.  She explained that the dad's role isn't particularly different then it would normally be, but the mothers role is mostly taken away, and the bonding may happen more gradually. However, there is definately bonding taking place here!

They are planning an MRI for possibly 2 am tomorrow.  Please pray in advance that little Meriah's brain will be healed and that the seizure activity will be gone.  If you can, pray at 2am too!

We are getting the specific prayers we pray, answered one by one.  Now the specific prayer is for the brain seizures to subside and for the bonding process to continue.  Also pray specifically for Adam and Crissy that they will have the strength they need to deal with whatever may come.  They need strength as new parents.

christopher's picture

christopher says:

Somer just got off the phone with Crissy -- she is very upbeat now.  The lactation consultant dropped by to see how nursing was going.  She said, "Looks like everything is fine.  I don't think you need me."  Meriah's digestion is good; it has been doing fine today. 

Aunt Judy's picture

Aunt Judy says:

This is wonderful news!  I am just waiting to hear that they have removed the feeding tube.  Have they said anything about that?  Any estimate or have they said how long she would nurse before they would remove it?  Or has it even been mentioned?  I am so happy to hear this news and I bet Crissy is on cloud nine!  As she should be!  Love to everyone!


bzealous's picture

bzealous says:

I am sooo happy to hear Meriah is breastfeeding. That is a huge step! I am definitely praying for everyone with the upcoming MRI.


MamaLinda's picture

MamaLinda says:

     I'm so happy that Meriah is breastfeeding.  Praise God for every miracle.  We'll take all He's willing to give us for this little precious bundle of Joy.  Will be praying throughout the night for the MRI.

  Mama Linda

babs's picture

babs says:

 All encouraging news.... after seeing this beautiful baby this weekend, I can hardly think of anything else..... Folks in Roanoke are continuing to pray.  And we'll pray specifically for Adam, Crissy and Meriah... as well as her nurses and doctors ....

Been wondering when they'd do the MRI.... I remain hopeful they detect good things. 

My love to all... the Williams, George, and Phelan clans....

Jan's picture

Jan says:

This is all such great news.  It's so amazing to witness miracles right before our eyes.  Praise God.  We all continue to pray.


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