We Americans LOVE ignorant idealism (several examples)

We Americans are too idealistic; and our idealism is dominated by ignorance.  In so many critical areas, we brashly make judgement calls that are founded on nothing more than conceptual perfection and misinformation.  Here are some examples of our lousy arguments.  Call me out if I'm falling into the same trap.

Eden's Birth Story

I sit down on the front porch with my wife, mother-in-law, and new baby daughter to relive our very exciting birth story; my son, Isaiah, and his "Papoo" are playing ball in the background.  Our planned home birth went better than expected, while turning out nothing like we planned.  Relive the story with us.

Just say "no" to government sponsored charity?


  • Government involvement in charity breeds apathy in Jesus' followers.


  • Charity is a cornerstone of following Jesus; and it is clear that charity is a key evidence why Jesus' way is better than the world's; but more importantly, charity is a key ingredient to spiritual growth.  Hence, "it is more blessed to give, than to receive."

In America, try questioning


  • Any position of authority is an opportunity for abuse/corruption.
  • Elected positions are particularly vulnerable because the  electorate tends to believe that it is in control.
  • An environment that discourages questioning leadership is a likely host to abusive/corrupted leadership.


In America, try questioning

Now mind you...

Now mind you, I'm not very old, but when I was younger, I used to think how sad it was that folks lived such short lives.  I imagined how I would be different.  I would eat the right foods.  I would exercise regularly.  I would research the best vitamins to take.  I would shave daily -- somewhere I heard that guys that shave daily, live longer.  I figured wi

Bush hosts the pope

What a shock to pull up the news this evening: "Big Brother" Bush is hosting the pope this week -- and the news says he's pulling out all the stops.  What a slap in the face to separation of church and state!  Washington has been stripping us of our liberties lickety-split, and apparently come far enough that Bush feels quite comfortable paying the pope a public honor unlike

Fascinating update from Kent George

I have learned that my parents' supervisor, John Kent, and also David Gates, who sent the helicopter, will be visiting their project soon.  Keep these meetings in payer.  We need to pray that this supervisor will make the effort to find a way to make sure that the benefit of othe helicopter is not lost.

The following is a letter my dad recently sent me.

Demons, a helicopter, and well intentioned people

Some may remember the demon harassment that Nurgina suffered.  During an attack, the demons threatened that they were going to cause problems for her, Silu, and my parents, who are working to spread the good news of Jesus among the Pelewan people.  I just got off the phone with my mother, and it is clear that the demons are serious.  Join me in

Update from Kent George

I received this letter from My dad:

Precinct calling

I suppose folks know I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Ron Paul, and would be delighted to see him serve as president of this country... but did you know I volunteered to help in the campaign?  Six months ago, had I been told I'd be working for republican presidential campaign, I would've laughed... but here I am.