"The Buddy List"

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Jade's picture
Joined: 2007-12-23
"The Buddy List"

First of all I would like to say how happy I am to have entered the "NLD" world.    I have already run into a bit of a challenge though.  I started trying to add people to my "buddy" list and then realized that it was getting pretty long and that the few people I wouldn't have on my buddy list are just the ones I have never met, but I think I would like to be their buddies too.  It's a bit stressful...

Could we maybe just be all in one great big buddy list and consider everyone that takes the time to enter No Less Days a "buddy"???





salaam's picture
Joined: 2006-11-08
my thoughts exactly

I saw the feature and thought, eh, this is neato. But then realized the same thing. Maybe we should just do away with it.

But then again, maybe it is a good way to see who knows who? If it were renamed to something like, "People I've met" it might serve the purpose better without sounding exclusive. Because that's what this site is about, right? Community without exclusivity.

Oh, and welcome to NLD!

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
Wow.  Good idea.  Keep 'em

Wow.  Good idea.  Keep 'em coming.

adam's picture
Joined: 2006-04-17
I've never really even given

I've never really even given a thought to my buddie list.  All yall are my buddies!  I think it could be done away with.

somertyme's picture
Joined: 2006-04-11
welcome Jade!

I just wanted to say hi and I'm glad you're on NLD. Your avatar picture is adorable!

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