Growth is starting to happen

At your social meeting last week, the saying, "No pain, no gian" was repeated frequently. The troubling thing to me was that I wasn't suffering any pain -- thus there must be no gain in my life. Friends, I am pleased to announc that this has changed! It seems that frustration, disatisfaction, and perhaps even anger have been brewing among colleagues. I didn't notice it because I was too busy working to keep them happy. What a way to shoot myself in the foot.

Yesterday my boss kindly shared with me some of the frustration that he has been hearing about -- it seems that most people here are unfamiliar with the concept of addressing persons they have problems with directly. I decided to take some action to try and remedy my decline in popularity, but now I'm thinking it may all be too late.

In a meeting with folks who are helping develop our IT plan, I asked for feedback on what the temperature of employees was -- how they perceive IT. Well, nobody wanted to talk. I guess it violates their fundamental principle that one musn't talk to the person responsible for the issue. Instead, there was at least one very cold sholder, and several subtle jabs...

I don't know... Maybe it wasn't all so bad, but it is frustrating. They ask you to do one thing and when you do, they get after you for not doing another thing...

So friends, I think I'm officially gaining now! Hallelujah! :)

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily the opinions of the authour and do not necessarilly have anything to do with reality.

Lipsj's picture

Lipsj says:

You must Work in IT...

Trust me, par for the course. I can relate 100%

christopher's picture

christopher says:

It makes me thankful for Sabbath. You know, IT would be all right with out 2% of the people involved! Wink

Thanks for the encouragement. Maybe they won't fire me after all! Unless they read my blog, that is!

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