Villiage Clinic Photos


I got a chance this week to go with a visiting group of Americans to a villiage medical clinic.  It is actually just someones house out in the mountains where we set up a table and some chairs.  We had two doctors with us who consulted with probably 30-40 people during the course of the morning.  The lady who lives in the house, with her two grandchildren and her husband, is just as you would imagine a rugged, caring, sweet, mountain grandmother  to be.  She came walking up barefoot and with a big smile on her wrinkled face and gave me a warm welcome.  I was so glad that I had my camera with me.  I think you will appreciate some of theses pictures.

The photo album is here:

christopher's picture

christopher says:

Very cool, but where's the audio to acompany your trip?  I want to travel with you.  (Frustrating...  those Americans!  Always wanting more and more...)  :)

bzealous's picture

bzealous says:

That unposed picture of the grandmother and grandaughter is absolutely fantastic. I can easily see why it's your favorite picture...I just sat and meditated on it for a while.


adam's picture

adam says:

I have some audio, not of the clinic, but of the campameto, that I hope to be able to post this weekend. I havent had a free moment this week!  I am going to record some music tomorrow afternoon.  There are some really talented kids here.


christopher's picture

christopher says:

Very cool.  Looking forward to this! :)

Jade's picture

Jade says:

Thank you Adam for posting those pics!  They were really interesting to see.  I can't believe the grandmother is only in her sixties...she looked like she could be in her ninties.  what a beautiful woman she is though...I'd love to be as beautiful as her!



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