music resources for churches

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shanatoly's picture
Joined: 2006-05-06
music resources for churches

So about 2 years ago, my family's church had 4 piano players and an organ player. They currently have only my grandmother, who is 81 and has been saying she doesn't want to play anymore for the last 10 years. In addition to that, there is no way that she can say she will be at the church every week. Therefore, they have been doing some research into getting accompaniment music to sing along with. The music they found, of course, was quite expensive. I think someone told me that for the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal accompaniment music, it would cost between $300 and $500. Wouldn't it be great to offer, as a resource for churches, accompaniment music for free - from the musical contributers of nolessdays? Maybe an added bonus would be to have powerpoint for each of the songs completed for those churches who would like to utilize the expensive equipment they have added in recent years, but don't know how to work with it? Just thought I would throw this idea out to the masses... 

GUITARMAN's picture
Joined: 2008-02-28
Piano and organ players

Hello  Shannon,

            Where did all the piano players go?   Can Tanya take piano lessons?  Can Dave take piano lessons?     You better quit giving out  Mee-Maws age  or you will get in big trouble!!!!!!!!

    When are you coming back to visit in  Virginia?   If you give me enough warning I will try to come up to Strasburg  and do some special music with the  Tranquil Valley Trio.   We would want you to sing along with us.

     I  hope you guys are doing well.

                                             May God bless,


shanatoly's picture
Joined: 2006-05-06
Why wait until we come back?

Why wait until we come back? They would love to see you and Mary and listen to your great music anytime. And I am sure mema and mom and dad would happily have you guys over - nicole, the dog, has been missing chewing on your shoes. Actually, I mentioned your name when they were telling me about the shortage of speakers they are also having - I think you told me you used to speak sometimes at Harrisonburg. If you are interested, let me know.

We miss you guys too - greetings to Mary - and plan a visit out west, you have a place to stay!

Shannon, Sarah and Anatoly

GUITARMAN's picture
Joined: 2008-02-28
music resources

 I  teach the Youth class so it is hard for me to visit other churches.  I am also busy with special music and praise music during some of the church services.  I wish we had more members so it would be easier to  have someone fill in when we are visiting other churches.  We  will wait until you guys come home and make one big trip up there and see everybody at one time.   I will wear some old shoes so Nicole  will have something to tear her teeth into.

     Why are you having a shortage of speakers?   Where is Pastor Wayne?  Does he have 2  or 3 churches?  If he has three,  I can see where you have a shortage.  Is Sam still preaching? How about your Dad?   I have not  shared a sermon in many years.  I am more comfortable doing special music.

  We went to Hartland on Sabbath afternoon. It was their 25th anniversary campmeeting.  Three people were batized after the 4:30 meeting.  There is a student from Romania that goes to Hartland.  I would like Anatoly to meet him someday.

I have never been out West.   We will stop and see you if we ever make it to Colorado.

                Rick and Mary

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
a fine pianist


I was thinking, "this is a fine idea, but whose gonna do all the fancy work on the piano?"  Just this morning I figured out who could it.  My mom.  She's an excellent pianist.  All I need to do is get her a working piano.  Recently her digital piano died (a very nice one) and she sent it back to me for repairs.  The more I think about it, the more I think she's gonna have to buy a new one.  I need to make one last push on trying to fix it, but either way, if I can get a piano back to her, I can guarantee piano accompaniment that would not only be great for congregational singing, but worth listening to alone.

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