Where are all the Elijahs today?

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rww's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Where are all the Elijahs today?

"Christians seeking to justify their support for, or the participation of their friends and relatives in, the U.S. government’s latest military adventure often recite the mantra, "Obey the powers that be," a loose paraphrase of Romans 13:1, as if that somehow means that Christians should blindly follow whatever the government says."

To contuniue reading article by Laurence Vance click here

Aunt Judy
Aunt Judy's picture
Joined: 2008-10-03
Here is an interesting

Here is an interesting article.  Not sure it applies to what you are saying exactly Ron but it is an interesting take on an interesting question.

rww's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
I think both

I think both columnists are on the same page. (no pun intended). What I take away from Mr Barnwell  (to use his words) is that our hope for reforming society is not found in coercive government policies. Mr. Vance takes it a step further, suggesting that we should not support these policies, especially by using Christianity as a justification. Also, that as Christians we should denounce the injustice and evil that is inherent to the state.  Sometimes silence is the same as violence.


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