Faith and Logic - part 1

    Should a christian rely on logic to make decisions? I am a very logical person. I love to build arguments using clear logic, and it drives me nuts to hear someone arguing a point with lousy logic. This is a question that I have been pondering lately. What place should logic have in my decision making and in determining my understanding of truth?
Of course, I will attempt to answer this question logically.
    Actually I am not really attempting to answer the question, but to ask it.
As a Christian I believe that we are to be filled with God's Holy Spirit. He is to be our guide in everything. "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. . ." (John 16:13). So our guide should be the Holy Spirit. Wouldn't the Holy Spirit guide us to make logical decisions? Well, I guess that is the problem. Logic is only as good as it's understanding of reality. An argument may be impeccable logically, but if it is built on a faulty premise, then the conclusion may be dead wrong. Our human logic is bound to be deficient because now we only "see in a mirror dimly." "Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have also been fully known."(1Cor. 13:12)
    So when it comes down to it, how does this affect me. Let me give a real example. Crissy and I are trying to decide where God is leading in our lives. We would like to start a "branch Sabbath school" and we want to know if and how God would have us do this. I can make a "good" decision based on logic using what I know about the people that would be involved and what the Bible says about fellowship and worship etc. But for some reason I feel that this is insufficient. God doesn't think like us. He asks people to do things that seem illogical.

First Paulington Studio Project Completed

A song worth listening to

Paul sent me a link to this song.  It's by Shannon Stephens.  She is on the same label as John Ringhoffer.  I really like it.  Here are the words:

I'll Be Glad
Shannon Stephens

I'll go anywhere that you do
And If you don't go before
Lord I don't wanna go
Without you anymore

Lead me in a pillar of fire
Shade me in a big white cloud
Lord wherever you go
You'll always have me around

You will give my body rest
And never let me thirst
So I'm not going anywhere
If you don't go there first

When I see you beckoning me
That's how I'll know
Lord following your lead
Is the only way I'll go

When you get your flock together
Please take me along
Lord When I'm too weak to travel
I'll be glad you're strong
And I'll lean on your arm

Petersburg Concert, May 6

Adam and Cristina Williams will be giving a concert on Saturday evening, May 6, at the Petersburg SDA Church.

Man Spotted Collecting Bear Scat on AT

A man was spotted on Thursday collecting bear scat on along the appalachian trail. He carried a large black trashbag apparently strapped to his forehead. More details to come.

Man Collecting Bear Scat