Lew's take on the bailouts

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rww's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Lew's take on the bailouts

I think this is one of Lew Rockwell’s best articles. He sets the bar pretty high, but tells it like it is (or should be).

Personally I have a bit at stake with the GM bailout and find myself hoping they hang on at least until October, even if the crooks in Washington have to help out. So this article hits close to home. From a moral, intellectual, and historical standpoint,  he strikes to the heart of why we should be "saying what is true and defending what is right, without exception."

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
Agreed -- excellent

Agreed -- excellent article.  And if GM had a bailout (or gets one) it is more likely that I could retain my job.

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