
Meriah eyes her mama

Meriah eyes her mama

Meriah eyes my camera

Meriah eyes my camera

Meriah sleeps

Meriah sleeps

Meriah update (August 25, 7:30pm)

We have arrived at UVA and are visiting with Adam and Crissy.

Meriah update (August 25, 2pm)

Brief update from Adam:

Still no results on the MRI.  Meriah's oxygen tube has been removed, which means there are no more tubes on hear face.  (We'll try to get some new photos this evening.)  Meriah is now nursing every three hours.

Happy birthday Meriah!

Happy birthday Meriah!  She is one week old!  Comment to share your well-wishes!  I will carry them with us to the hospital this evening.

Meriah update (August 25, 10:30am)

They did do the MRI last night, but we are waiting on the neurologist's report to know what the results are.  The nurse said she thought it went well, but we really don't know yet.  They had to sedate Meriah to do the MRI.  Later they tried nursing her, but she's still very sedated.

Meriah update (Monday, 6pm)

Jade, who has been visiting the new Williams family today, just called Somer with an update.

Meriah update (Monday, 10:30am)

Somer just spoke with Crissy.  Here's the latest:

Meriah update (Sunday, 9:15pm)

Good news!  Meriah can digest.  They gave her some breastmilk via her feeding tube, and when they checked this evening, it was nearly gone.  They are going to give her some more breastmilk via her feeding tube.  The fact that she can digest is a good step.

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