

In the local language praise is 'pegbantug', it carries the connotation of uplifting, honoring, magnifying, appreciation.  So this is what was going through my mind as the following events were taking place.  Does praise in English have a similar connotation?

morbid curiosity

Somer really wanted to hear Biden and Palin debate.  I wasn't so sure, but then I listend to Couric's interview with Palin, and (I think it must be something like what drew the Roman's to watch criminals eaten by lions) a morbid curiosity got the better of me.  Alas!

another first

From Roanoke:

Hello Again

What do I say after a long hiatus? Hello. Yeah, I’m doing fine. Wish you were here. It’s hard to get communication going after so much time away. It feels funny, a bit forced. But here I am with an afternoon that seems less rushed, and I don’t want to waste it by only doing lesson plans in advance. I want to say something although I’m not sure what that is.

Good news in the house!!!

Christina called me a few minutes ago to excitedly tell me that the house destroyed the $700B bailout bill!  I couldn't believe me ears.  I pulled up several main-stream news sites, and sure enough, it's defeated.  Of course the MSM made it sound like a bad thing: "House fails to pass Rescue."  Well, for once the American people win.

this and that from Roanoke

I did something different yesterday....

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How do you say "afterglow" in Spanish?